8/30/2017 3:19:00 PM CEST Add a Comment

Email notifications

ATmatix is able to send you email notifications about patterns and other events detected. This option is available for PREMIUM users only (just a quick reminder, registering a new account gives you 15 days of PREMIUM account trial period for free).

Email notifications inform you about:

  • Newly identified price patterns (patterns that are emerging, but not yet confirmed with a breakout),
  • Patterns close to an upward or downward breakout (which may result in actual breakout and a further move in the direction of the breakout or changing the direction of the movement and bouncing back),
  • Patterns with breakouts,
  • Reaching predicted price targets, previously set by ATmatix after breakouts.

Specific stages of the patterns’ lifecycle (from their detection to completion) will be discussed in another blog post.

The email notification you get, obviously does not include all patterns or events from the day (or week), but is narrowed to the most important ones, which have the biggest potential – the largest expected rise (or decline, depending on the direction of the movement).

Defaultly, the notifications are enabled. To disable them or to change their frequency, you have to log in, go to the account settings page, by clicking your email address in the right upper corner of the screen or by choosing the “Account” option available in the dropdown menu (such as it is done in the picture):

Then, in the “Notifications” section you can disable or enable the option “I would like to receive notifications”, and specify both the scope of data and the frequency of the notifications.

The "data scope" list has two options:
  • All – the user will be informed about all the detected pattern occurrences and events happening on the instruments tracked by ATmatix,
  • Watchlist only – the user will be notified only about events detected for assets added to their Watch List. The Watch List is visible for logged-in users in the patterns table page. The table and Watch List usage tutorial can be found here.
Available notification frequencies:
  • Daily – notifications are sent once a day, after each trading session ends (with a slight delay), and it includes the events from the last (current) session.
  • Weekly – once a week, sent after the Friday trading session ends - it includes the highlights of the current week.

A valid example of such a notification, to be exact a part of it, you will find in the picture below. Individual sections of the messages relate to the onscreen sections of the pattern table and they are narrowed to the most important data, according to what I have written above. The data are sorted by the absolute value of pattern potential in descending order.

Each section has maximum of:
  • 10 items in daily notifications,
  • 20 items in weekly notifications.

Individual parts of the email notifications also include the events detected in the main indices/futures and industry (sector) indices of the WSE. We have decided to divide the assets into two groups, as usually the indices/futures price movements are smaller (speaking of percentages) than those for stocks.
Not dividing them could result in skipping some of the potentially important patterns on the indices, because of their low potential compared to the patterns detected for the stocks. In this way, it is easier to observe the technical situation of the selected group of instruments, in the broad market, or in individual sectors.

Last, but not the least, I would remark that the notifications are sent only when at least one pattern event has been detected in the selected data scope and the selected time period, since the last notification.

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